The Bitches of Santiago

Well not bitches but the stray dogs of Santiago. One of the first things we noticed about Santiago is that the stray dogs are in really good condition. Well we weren't really sure if they were stray dogs at first but it turned out they are.  They aren't bony and straggly looking like you would see in other countries.  As you can see from the pictures, a lot of them are even clothed for the winter.  It turns out that people in Chile actually buy food and clothing for these dogs.  You will walk by a house and see a pile of dog food and a jug of water just outside the front door.  When we were at Santa Lucia we saw a man petting a stray dog because it was whining.  If you are eating at a patio and the dogs come and stare at you for food the employees don't chase the dogs away with a stick.  No, they just gently tell the dogs to go and walk them away. One of our observations of Chileans is that they are good-hearted people. They are very friendly towards foreigners and as you can tell, very caring towards their dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Its heart warming to read how they treat their dogs.

    - Ava
