Valparaiso! Windy Roads, Graffiti, and Sea Lions

Colourful Valparaiso is full of bright buildings and narrow, cobble stone, windy streets leading you up and around the many hills (which we easily got lost in). The bohemian culture of Valparaiso has drawn many artists, reflected by the abundance of graffiti and street art. We stayed at Hostel Po, run by a young Parisian, who after spending six months travelling through South America, fell in love with Valparaiso, and decided to stay. He recommended a walk along Avenue Alamenia,  and a walk to the pier to watch the sea lions. Both were good suggestions. The view from the the top of Avenue Alamenia was worth the climb up! The long walk to watch sea lions lying on a platform, basking in the sun will lead to a beautiful sunset over the bay.  We wanted to see one successfully make the jump onto  the platform but only saw a few try and fail.  We also had the best Pino empanadas (sautéed mince meat, onions, olives and egg) so far at this bakery on the top of the hill, on Avenue Alamenia, or maybe we were just really hungry:-) 

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