Plaza Sur and Santa Fe

We visited the two small islands of Plaza Sur and Santa Fe on the fourth day. Of all the islands we had been to on the cruise, Plaza Sur was the most vibrant -red vegetation covered the island, large green Prickly-pear Cactus trees loomed high above us and the ocean was strikingly blue. The snorkeling here was also the best of all the four days. We swam along the coast of Santa Fe, with beautiful clear water and were lucky enough to swim with a Green Sea Turtle, Sea Lions and five large White-tip Sharks!   

The startling eyes of the Galapagos' endemic Dove caught our attention as we were walking on Santa Fe Island.   

Vibrant red vegetation covers the surface of Plaza Sur during the dry season and then transforms into a lush green colour during the wet season.

Yes this is a real bird! The Red-billed Tropicbird gliding through the sky stunned us as we arrive for our hike on Plaza Sur.

A Sea Lion pup basking in the sun.

A Sea Lion climbs down the cliffs to the waters teeming with fish. On the other side of the island the dominant male defends his territory while all the bachelors remained on this side of the cliff.

Swallow-tail Gull protects her chick from Frigate birds near their nests along the cliffs.

Endemic Land Iguanas sunning on Santa Fe Island and feeding on the fruit of a Prickly-pear Cactus.

Blue-footed Boobies dive together to catch fish off the coast of Santa Fe.

Lazy Frigate birds follow our boat looking for an easy ride and meal.

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